(Credit to Rima Basu) This class will be taught synchronously meaning that I expect that you to attend class on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9.30am to 10.45am. This class is heavily discussion based and you are expected to do the required readings, listen to the podcasts, and watch the relevant media before each live session and come prepared to discuss the material. The vibrancy of the class discussion, which is extremely important for you to get the most out of this class, relies on you spending a good amount of time working through the materials every week.
During class, you should make an effort to listen carefully to each other as your peers have much to say that is insightful, and their points of view deserve careful attention. Additionally, the better classroom dynamic and community we build, the better our learning outcomes will be. For this class to work well, it will require a lot of flexibility, patience, and empathy from all of us.
For these reasons:
- Be on time and be ready to participate.
- Avoid disruptions during Zoom sessions if possible.
- If you are not talking, mute your audio. Nonetheless, be engaged; ask questions via chat, raise your hand, use the clap button when you like a point, participate in polls, etc.
- Make sure that you display your preferred name on Zoom. You may also use this function to display your pronouns. You can do this either by clicking on your video or on the participant’s page.
- You’re welcome to Zoom from wherever it’s most comfortable to Zoom for our class time.