Introductory Assignment

This is a fun and quick opportunity for you to introduce yourself to your classmates and vice versa. I have created a private Instagram page for us to introduce ourselves to each other. You will create a very short Instagram post introducing yourself to your classmates. I take exercises like these to be an important part of building an online learning community, which itself plays an important part in augmenting learning outcomes.

This assignment is Pass/Fail, and is worth 5% of your overall grade. It is due August 29th at midnight.

To complete this assignment, you should follow these instructions:

  1. Follow @BCPhil2101. This is a private instagram account so you will have to wait for me to accept your follow request. If you don’t have an Instagram account, you can create a new one for free and delete it after this assignment.
  2. Select a photo to be posted on the page to introduce yourself to your classmates. This can be a photo of you enjoying one of your favorite hobbies, a picture of your dog, a picture of your favorite neighborhood in NYC. This photo is to help other students get to know you but doesn’t need to include your face!
  3. Write up a caption to be included with the photo. Your caption should answer a few of these questions:
    • What is your first name? (required)
    • Why did you choose the photo you chose? (optional)
    • What is your major? (optional)
    • What pronouns should people use for you? optional)
    • Have you studied philosophy before? (optional)
    • What is the most boring thing about humanities classes? (optional)
    • What is something you think you share with everyone who is taking this class? (optional)
  4. Use instagram to send a message to @BCPhil2101 with your your photo and caption.
  5. Watch as the photos and captions pour in, and get to know your classmates a little!

If you’re confused about what to do, or want an example, I’ve already posted my intro in the page. Just follow @BCPhil2101 to see what mine looks like!